Thursday 30 July 2015

we need to be like david when he beats goliath, don't we?

How many times are we told to ‘face our giants' ? We’re told to stop ignoring our problems and to face them and go a step further by beating them with a slingshot…
But the more I look at this story, the more I notice something special. I mean every time we hear this story, we think about the two main characters, but in the Bible there are three characters, we have of course David and Goliath, but there is also Israel: the crowd, the people that the fight mattered to most. 
So when we apply the story of David and Goliath to our lives, I honestly think,we are supposed to be Israel..not David.The Bible tells us that Israel were 'much afraid’ and surely that is us. We are 'much afraid’ of our giants.
 Soooooo, who’s David I hear you ask? Who’s the hero of the story? Who’s the person who beats our giant?
My answer is JESUS. He is our savior, He can beat every giant. He doesn’t even need a slingshot. 

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